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  • 戏剧性 (2008)

    • 上映时间:
    • 2008年10月16日
    简介 这部实验短片改编自帕索里尼70年代写于里约热内卢的一首诗,由Glauber rocha最小的女儿Ava Gaitan Rocha首次执导并主演,其兄Eryk Rocha担任摄影和剪辑。 Inspired by the poem "Hierarchy" of Pier Paolo Pasolini, the film paints a poetic parallel with t he 70s. A bold visual work, starting a milky-white photo that will be open to something else? Naturalist. Based on the poem "Hierarchy", written by Italian filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini when he was in Rio de Janeiro in 1970, the short account with Simone Spoladore means sacred, an almost vestal white. Through her, the movie is a sensory exploration in the city, with camera and...