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  • 碎片:正在消失的记忆编年史 (2004)

    • 上映时间:
    • 2004年01月26日
    简介 Zrinko Ogresta与Lukas Nola是克罗地亚90年代两位最杰出的电影导演,本片是前者的长片处女作。 This debut feature film by Zrinko Ogresta is weighed down by its ambitious attempt to depict the history of Croatians' suffering in the f ormer Yugoslavia through the lives of three generations of a family. However, the film distinguishes itself by its fresh and interesting narrative construction and visual style. At the first Days of Croatian film, Krhotine won the Oktavijan for Best Feature Film. At the Pula Film Festival, it won the Golden Arena for Best Screenplay. In addition, it was nominated for the Felix (today�...