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  • 死者 (1971)

    • 上映时间:
    • 1971年09月19日
    简介 本片是巴西著名实力派女演员Fernanda Montenegro(《中央车站》)的银幕处女作,讲述一个遭受生活打击的女人一心求死的痛苦经历,也是她至今表演最成功的作品之一,首次获得了巴西电影节最佳女主角奖而成名。本片改编自Nelson Rodrigues的戏剧,由新浪潮导演Leon Hirszman执导。 Woman who is obsessed with death wants a first -class burial for herself, and even buys a luxury coffin beforehand. Zulmira (Fernanda Montenegro) is a woman who visits the doctor when she decides she is dying. The doctor pronounces that she is in good health, but Zulmira sets aside a sizeable sum of money for her elaborate funeral. She catches cold and asks her husband (Ivan Candido) on her deathbed to take the money for ...