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  • 说吧,小哑巴 (1974)

    获奖情况:第23届柏林国际电影节 (1973)
    简介 西班牙导演阿拉贡的处女作,获柏林影展甘地奖和最佳导演提名。阿拉贡是处在60年代以CARLOS SAURA为首的“西班牙新浪潮”和80年代以阿尔莫多瓦为主的“新西班牙电影”之间的一代。 This Spanish drama explores an encounter between a well-educated mountain-climber and a young shepherdess wh o has been kept mute by her suffocating family. Lost during a climbing expedition, Don Ramiro (Jose Luis Lopez Vazquez) finds shelter and safety through the help of the speechless girl (Kili Manyer). Though her brother is deaf and half-mad, there is nothing wrong with the girl, and Ramiro begins to teach her how to speak. This interferes with the established pattern preferred by the gir...