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  • 表演课 (2007)

    简介 巴西最杰出的纪录片大师Eduardo Coutinho的新作,混合纪实的访谈场景与根据人物对话而拍摄的故事情节,讲述不同年龄层的巴西女性的生活经历,甜酸苦咸与悲喜交集,一切徐徐道来。官网:http://www.cinemaemcena.com.br/jogodecena/ Following a newspaper ad, ordinary women tell part of their lif e stories to director Eduardo Coutinho, which are then re-enacted by actresses, blurring the barriers between truth, fiction and interpretation. The production company published a small newspaper ad asking women over 18 in Rio de Janeiro to tell their life stories for a documentary. 83 women answered the ad, 23 of them were s elected and their interviews were filmed in June 2...