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  • 无法漂移的陆地

    简介 这部影片描述了三个囚犯在“地下王国”库姆拉的艺术创作过程,和70年代释放的犯人的绘画作品。叙述角度关注他们的情感联系,与他们对梦境的回忆,展现了囚犯如何怀抱着回到家乡的理想,默默地承担了生活的所有。 The film used three inmates' art creation process at the "underground kingdom" Kumla, and the graffiti created by the inmates who have been released in 70s. The narrative point focuses on people’s emotional connection, combined with the memories from the dream. With the final goal of returning home, it shows the prisoner's aspirations and constraints that they must bear.