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  • 残胶

    简介 阿晔是个个性内向且老实的年轻人,平时以打零工为生,与在火车站卖便当的阿嬷相依为命。他的内心一直藏有个秘密─渴望像同年龄的人一样,拥有一段正常的恋爱及一份稳定的工作,但是过去所犯的错,如残胶般挥之不去,而如此压抑的生活,正不断侵蚀他的精神世界。 Ye is a introverted and honest young man with part-time jobs for a living and share his life together with mother who is selling brown-bag lunch in train station. Ye has a secret deep in heart just like his peers, that is, falling love with somebody and having a secure job. But the mistake he had made in the past is like remnant glue and difficult to be removed, and the suppression is eroding his spiritual world inevitably. 2012高雄青春影展,剧情类金奖...