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  • 马修·谢巴德的故事 (2002)

    简介 这是部电视电影,影片根据美国怀俄明州的一个叫Laramie镇上发生的一件两个年轻的异性恋男生杀害一个年轻的同性恋男生Matthew Shepard的真实案件而拍摄. 同样反映这个案件还有:同志少年杀人事件/THE LARAMIE PROJECT In 1998, a young gay man by the name of Matthew Shepard was robbed, viciously beaten and left tied to a fence to die. Although he was soon found by the police and hospitalized, he soon expired. This film recounts the events after the conviction of the two men responsible for this hate motivated murder. Matthew's parents, though satisfied by the conviction, are finding the sentencing phase of the trial more difficult. The parents initially want to...